Our customers are suppliers of catalytic VOC abatement systems for end-users. They provide us a set of parameters for the applications in question and we supply compatible catalysts that will deliver top performance at low cost, low inlet temperature and low pressure drop.

Our ability to deliver the right catalysts is our greatest strength and our everyday challenge. Our offers include information about the catalyst, guarantees, normal operating conditions, start-up conditions and of course commercial terms. There is also a list of the potential catalyst poisons to look out for.

Technical service
What if something goes wrong? As in all industrial processes, it can happen. The key is cooperation – between the end-user, the system supplier and Stonemill. High VOC emissions from the chimney could have many reasons one might be leaking heat exchanger, if so a new catalyst won’t solve the problem, but will only cost you more money!

We act promptly when troubleshooting is required, offering pilot tests on catalyst samples and analysis of the catalyst to identify any poison. If necessary, we are also prepared to perform on-site troubleshooting.